Do you hear that?

It’s a calling to your soul. To your heart. Begging for more freedom, and more fulfillment than what your current experience is offering.

You're tired of feeling lost.

You’re tired of yearning for more in your career and not knowing what it takes to go after it, let alone align with it.

GOOD NEWS! You’re not alone…

Did you know that 60% of mid-career professionals are unhappy in their jobs?

And it doesn’t stop there. Over the course of a lifetime, we spend 90,000 hours at work? That’s a heck of a lot of time. 

To make matters worse, in the U.S. specifically, 50% of workers reported feeling stressed at their jobs on a daily basis, 41% as being worried, 22% as sad, and 18% angry. I don’t know about you, but these numbers are not looking too good. It definitely paints a picture that our workforce and work culture is in serious trouble.

It’s not just the statistics, this is also from my own experience as a Career Alignment Coach, with over 7,000 hours of career training and development, I’ve witnessed myself the unhappiness of workers and mid career professionals.

The problem?

We’ve become comfortable in our non-aligned states, with barely enough energy to muster up plans for our future.

We’ve somehow normalized being out of alignment.

Seriously ya’ll….

Somewhere along the way we stopped asking the important questions.

You know, the type of questions that move you on the inside, that end up carving out your path because of your answers to them? Questions like, do I like what I am doing? Am I contributing in the ways I would like to? Am I fulfilled? Am I happy?

And most of all…

Is what I’m doing now going to move me in the direction I want to go with my life?

Did we stop asking them after highschool? After our degree? OR did we wait until we were so sick and tired of being sick and tired, run down and burned out before we decided to make a change?


If you’re like me, that’s exactly what happened!
On several occasions.


There is a better way.

After being in a toxic work environment for too long, experiencing unfair treatment and gender & race discrimination on multiple occasions, I decided that it was time for a change. I made a vow to myself that I would be more selective in the companies I work with moving forward. While considering my next best career move, simultaneously I also went through a divorce and had to adjust to becoming a single mom. However, I still made the decision to take drastic measures and make adjustments to align myself with my new season of life and to my core values. It wasn’t easy but I did it, and am in love with the outcome. Fast forward to today, I’ve now helped over 50 professionals do the same and now it’s your turn.

Career alignment isn’t just my passion, but I feel it’s my responsibility to continue guiding others in their transition to a more professionally aligned life. Maybe you’re in a new season of life, looking to transition industries, or simply searching for opportunities that align more with who you are at your core. 

Regardless, you should be thriving, not just surviving sis!

That’s why I’ve spent the last 12 months creating a signature program to help shift individuals , and even the career industry and culture as a whole, into alignment.


The Epically Aligned Program!

A 5 week career alignment journey, perfectly designed for mid-senior career women who:

  • have trouble aligning to a particular career path
  • want help discovering their values and managing their fears
  • don’t know their next career move or which direction to go
  • lack confidence in their job search strategy
  • have no idea how to transition careers to align with new life goals
  • desire an easy to follow action plan that’s achievable and exciting!

As you embark on this life enhancing transformation to alignment you will feel:

  • A sense of relief because you have an established process to help you move forward in your career
  • Happiness and optimism because you will be in alignment with your career
  • Less frustration and anxiety because you’ll soon have a roadmap to stick to 
  • Excitement because you’re making room and time to do more meaningful things
  • Peace, because it’s all coming together

Upon completing this epic journey you will have:

  • The clarity and decisiveness for a seamless career change.
  • More peaceful days without those nagging thoughts of “why haven’t we done it already?!”
  • Confidence, knowing you’re FINALLY moving in the right direction. YES!
  • A brand new outlook on life and more pep in your step!
  • Your career alignment challenges SOLVED.

The VIP 1-on-1 Career Alignment and Navigation package includes:

(5) 60 Mins 1-on-1 Career Coaching Calls via phone or via video

  • Enneagram Workplace Test & Discovery of Self Deep Dive
  • Future Envisioning Activities 
  • Defining Career Paths
  • Road Map and Strategy
  • Value Proposition Coaching
  • Weekly Customized Assignments
  • Email Support
  • Curated Library of Tools and Resources
  • Recorded Sessions you can review
  • Professional Resume Template
  • Expert LinkedIn Guideline
  • 1 Day of On Demand Q & A


  • Yearly alignment self-evaluation tool, Valued at $97
  • Two accountability calls at 30 & 60 days, Valued at $297
  • 30% discount on professional branding services to include resume, LinkedIn, and Cover Letter transformation

How to know if you’re ready? Ask yourself these three questions.

  1. Are you ready to bet on yourself? 
  2. Are you ready to join a coaching program that’s guaranteed to give you career clarity and confidence? 
  3. Are you ready to align in this new season of life?

If you’ve answered yes to all of these questions, congratulations! You’re a great candidate for the epically aligned program.

Valued at $3500, you can take advantage of the beta rate today at $1297.00.

Beta rate available for a short period of time. This will soon be a $3500.00 offer. 

epically aligned program

Offer Price
